How to add Custom Component in the Embedded Chat Service

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Follow these Steps to Add a Custom Component when starting an embedded chat on any third-party website.

Step 1: Open Developer Org.

Step 2: Click the Setup cog Icon.

Step 3: Click Developer Console.

Step 4: Click File -> New -> click Lightning Component.

Aura Component: EmbeddedPreChatComponent.cmp

<aura:component implements="lightningsnapin:prechatUI" description="Sample custom pre-chat component for Embedded Chat. Implemented using Aura.">
    <!-- You must implement "lightningsnapin:prechatUI" for this component to appear in the "Pre-chat Component" customization dropdown in the Embedded Service setup -->

    <!-- Pre-chat field components to render -->
    <aura:attribute name="prechatFieldComponents" type="List" description="An array of objects representing the pre-chat fields specified in pre-chat setup."/>
    <!-- Handler for when this component is initialized -->
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}" />

    <!-- For Aura performance -->
    <aura:locator target="startButton" description="Pre-chat form submit button."/>
    <!-- Contains methods for getting pre-chat fields, starting a chat, and validating fields -->
    <lightningsnapin:prechatAPI aura:id="prechatAPI"/>
    <h2>Prechat form</h2>
    <div class="prechatUI">
        <div class="prechatContent">
            <ul class="fieldsList">
                <!-- Look in the controller's onInit function. This component dynamically creates the pre-chat field components -->
        <div class="startButtonWrapper">
            <ui:button aura:id="startButton" class="startButton" label="{!$Label.LiveAgentPrechat.StartChat}" press="{!c.handleStartButtonClick}"/>


Aura Component Controller: EmbeddedPreChatComponentController.js

     * On initialization of this component, set the prechatFields attribute and render pre-chat fields.
     * @param cmp - The component for this state.
     * @param evt - The Aura event.
     * @param hlp - The helper for this state.
	onInit: function(cmp, evt, hlp) {
        // Get pre-chat fields defined in setup using the prechatAPI component
		var prechatFields = cmp.find("prechatAPI").getPrechatFields();
        // Get pre-chat field types and attributes to be rendered
        var prechatFieldComponentsArray = hlp.getPrechatFieldAttributesArray(prechatFields);
        // Make asynchronous Aura call to create pre-chat field components
            function(components, status, errorMessage) {
                if(status === "SUCCESS") {
                    cmp.set("v.prechatFieldComponents", components);
     * Event which fires when start button is clicked in pre-chat
     * @param cmp - The component for this state.
     * @param evt - The Aura event.
     * @param hlp - The helper for this state.
    handleStartButtonClick: function(cmp, evt, hlp) {

Aura Component Helper: EmbeddedPreChatComponentHelper.js

	 * Map of pre-chat field label to pre-chat field name (can be found in Setup)
    fieldLabelToName: {
        "First Name": "FirstName",
        "Last Name": "LastName",
        "Email": "Email",
        "Subject": "Subject",
        "Web Name": "SuppliedName",
        "Web Email": "SuppliedEmail"
	 * Event which fires the function to start a chat request (by accessing the chat API component)
	 * @param cmp - The component for this state.
    onStartButtonClick: function(cmp) {
        var prechatFieldComponents = cmp.find("prechatField");
        var fields;
        // Make an array of field objects for the library
        fields = this.createFieldsArray(prechatFieldComponents);
        // If the pre-chat fields pass validation, start a chat
        if(cmp.find("prechatAPI").validateFields(fields).valid) {
        } else {
            console.warn("Prechat fields did not pass validation!");
	 * Create an array of field objects to start a chat from an array of pre-chat fields
	 * @param fields - Array of pre-chat field Objects.
	 * @returns An array of field objects.
    createFieldsArray: function(fields) {
        if(fields.length) {
            return {
                return {
                    label: fieldCmp.get("v.label"),
                    value: fieldCmp.get("v.value"),
                    name: this.fieldLabelToName[fieldCmp.get("v.label")]
        } else {
            return [];
     * Create an array in the format $A.createComponents expects
     * Example:
     * [["componentType", {attributeName: "attributeValue", ...}]]
	 * @param prechatFields - Array of pre-chat field Objects.
	 * @returns Array that can be passed to $A.createComponents
    getPrechatFieldAttributesArray: function(prechatFields) {
        // $A.createComponents first parameter is an array of arrays. Each array contains the type of component being created, and an Object defining the attributes.
        var prechatFieldsInfoArray = [];
        // For each field, prepare the type and attributes to pass to $A.createComponents
        prechatFields.forEach(function(field) {
            var componentName = (field.type === "inputSplitName") ? "inputText" : field.type;
            var componentInfoArray = ["ui:" + componentName];
            var attributes = {
                "aura:id": "prechatField",
                required: field.required,
                label: newLabel,
                disabled: field.readOnly,
                maxlength: field.maxLength,
                class: field.className,
                value: field.value
            // Special handling for options for an input:select (picklist) component
            if(field.type === "inputSelect" && field.picklistOptions) attributes.options = field.picklistOptions;
            // Append the attributes Object containing the required attributes to render this pre-chat field
            // Append this componentInfoArray to the fieldAttributesArray
        return prechatFieldsInfoArray;

Step 5: Setup -> Quick Find Box -> Click Embedded Service Deployment.

Step 6: Click the Dropdown menu of your Embedded Service Deployment and Click View.

Step 7: Click Edit Code Button on the Embedded Service Code Snippet Section at the bottom.

Step 8: Paste this code before the closing body tag (</body>) for each web page. Don’t place the code in your header.

Step 9: Add this CSS code in between the <Style></Style> tag.

<style type='text/css'>
	.embeddedServiceHelpButton .helpButton .uiButton {
		background-color: #005290;
		font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
	.embeddedServiceHelpButton .helpButton .uiButton:focus {
		outline: 1px solid #005290;

    .embeddedServiceSidebarState.stateBody {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    text-align: left;
    .embeddedServiceSidebarFeature ul, .embeddedServiceSidebarFeature li{
    max-inline-size: min-content;
    margin-top: 16px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 75%;
    left: 34%;

Step 10: Click Edit Chat Setting.

Step 11: Click the Edit Button of Customize with Lightning Component.

Step 12: Override the Standard Chat Component with Custom Component of Pre-Chat in the Standard Component Section.


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Stay tuned, there is way more to come! Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. So you won’t miss out on all future articles.

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